Thursday, March 25, 2010

Winter blues

When you have seven people in your family, are you ever all healthy at the same time? Does the sickness ever go away? That's what we've been wondering this winter...

The past couple weeks haven't been very fun. Last week I had four kids in to see the doctor. Cade had pneumonia, Claire and the twins just had colds. Kailyn threw up in the middle of the night (and didn't make it to the bathroom). Normally, we don't alter life too much when one of us has a cold, but with the twins, having a cold is a whole different story. Whenever they get in a coughing spell, it triggers their gag reflex, and they throw up. Rarely are we in the bathroom when this happens. To amuse himself, Cade started making tally marks on the white board whenever one of them threw up. Yesterday it was only a total of 6 times. The other day Emily threw up 8 times-and that was just before lunch. Needless to say, I haven't got much done besides laundry and cleaning. This too shall pass, right? : )

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