Monday, August 31, 2009

School's in session

We started school today. I forget every year how difficult those first few days of school are. Lots of drama, lots of tears. This morning 4 out of the 5 kids cried. One couldn't remember how to solve for the unknown. One couldn't remember how to subtract. One couldn't concentrate with 2 toddlers running around. One wanted to be coloring instead of playing with blocks.
I felt a little more like a LaMaze coach than a teacher. "Ok, let's breathe through this problem...It's gonna be alright. It'll come back to you. Breathe. No, it's not too much work. No, you can't quit piano. Breathe. No, we can't lock them in a room all morning. They're fine. Breathe..."


Erica said...

You could send them to public school you know :) I'll be praying for you this week LaNae!

paddy1mac said...

Yep, one day at a time.

And whatever you do don't send them to public (Caesar's) school - they will all become gay, liberal, gang members ;)

Kailyn Renae said...

that's what I'm concerned about