Friday, January 23, 2009

A Seven year-old's Summary of Squids

We have been studying cephalopods in science...octopus, squid, and nautilus. At the end of the lesson, I have each kid write a narration of what they learned that week. Claire chose to write about squids. I loved her paragraph so much I didn't want to correct it. It has brought many smiles to our faces! Here it is, unedited.

After the mom squid gets maryed she lays her eggs. The eggs look like their in little cases. The mom clumps them together and it looks like a flower. Sometims they lay their eggs at onc usually they do. Some of the squids only live for a couple years isn't that sad think about it if you lived for two years I'm glad god made us difrent from squid.

I guess the moral of the story is....there's always something to be thankful for. Today you can be thankful that you're not a squid!