Monday, November 17, 2008

Financial update

I wanted to give an update regarding our finances for the adoption...
Last week we were notified that we had been awarded a $2500 grant! Needless to say, we were so excited! We were able to combine the grant with the money that has come in through our fundraising and pay our dossier fees.

We have been so encouraged by how God has provided through our fundraising efforts. We have been blessed in so many little girl emptied her piggy bank and gave that money to us, one family decided to give all the money in their coin jar, another family decided to take some of their Christmas money and give it...There's so many stories. It has been humbling and has brought us to tears many times. I look forward to sharing the stories with the girls as they get older. What a blessing it will be for them to hear of all the ways that people sacrificed to help give them a home!

Now the final thing we are waiting for is immigration approval. Once we have that, it all becomes "official". We will pay our final fees and then wait for the Filipino government to process their visas and paperwork.


lisa d said...

Is the 2500 the matching grant, LaNae? or is that still out there? God just continues to faithfully bring you along. : )

Kailyn Renae said...

We are still waiting on the matching grant. The grant we rec'd was from another agency.