I am reading another book that I am really enjoying....it's called Praying Scripture for your Children. A friend gave it to me for Christmas. It has challenged me to be praying more specifically for my kids. Oh, I pray for them, of course, mainly that they will follow the Lord and that they will marry godly spouses. And I pray for specific character issues as they arise...but often my prayers for them have lacked urgency or any kind of vision as to what God wants to do in and through them. It seems they often turn out to be little more than "And God bless Kailyn, Cade, Claire, and Kyle..."Wait a minute, I say, as I rouse myself, there's no one in this family named Kyle..." : )
This book is divided into 5 parts, each focusing on an area to pray for in your children's lives: their faith, character, safety, relationships and future. Within these 5 chapters are a number of sections that include many verses that can be used as prayers. For example, in the chapter about your child's faith, the author has a section on "praying for your child to promote God's kingdom." One verse she has listed is Romans 1:16. She has turned this verse into a prayer this way: "Lord, let _________ never be ashamed of the gospel, but let her recognize that it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes." Simple, yet profound.
Actually, I was challenged to be praying for Roland more specifically (and urgently) as he takes on this new role of pastor, so the other morning during my quiet time I sat down with my prayer journal and wrote out many verses, inserting his name when appropriate. (Lord, help Roland to preach the word and be prepared, both in season and out of season... IITimothy 4: 2-5) I'm excited to begin to pray for him in this way. Next on my list is to do the same for my kids!
Looks like a great book LaNae - thanks for the recommendation!
I really have been loving that book too. I also have been using it for both Danny and me as well as the kids.
Who is Kyle?
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