Thursday, January 31, 2008

And it just keeps coming....

We got another few inches of snow last night! That's our van there in the picture with the new layer of fresh snow. We haven't been able to park the van in the garage because our alley is impassable. My neighbor tried to get out of the alley yesterday and got stuck. She had to call a tow truck to get her out. Schools have been closed for the entire week. The kids (and Mom) are getting cabin fever...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Graduation party

Graduation party

Friday night we celebrated Roland's graduation from the Master's Seminary. It was a great time with family and friends. Andy, who went through seminary with Roland, and Arianna were in town and were able to make it. We are so thankful for God's goodness and faithfulness to us these past two and a half years!

Snow storm '08

This weekend we had quite the snow storm! 12 inches in just a couple days. (And there was half a foot already on the ground.) Roads were nearly impassable. Schools were even closed today- which is rare in Spokane. My kids were hoping that this meant no school for them, but I told them if they could walk upstairs in the morning to the kitchen table we could have school. Sanchez Elementary was in session. The church office was also closed but that didn't stop my dear husband from going in (he's quite confident in his new snow tires!)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another good book...

I am reading another book that I am really's called Praying Scripture for your Children. A friend gave it to me for Christmas. It has challenged me to be praying more specifically for my kids. Oh, I pray for them, of course, mainly that they will follow the Lord and that they will marry godly spouses. And I pray for specific character issues as they arise...but often my prayers for them have lacked urgency or any kind of vision as to what God wants to do in and through them. It seems they often turn out to be little more than "And God bless Kailyn, Cade, Claire, and Kyle..."Wait a minute, I say, as I rouse myself, there's no one in this family named Kyle..." : )

This book is divided into 5 parts, each focusing on an area to pray for in your children's lives: their faith, character, safety, relationships and future. Within these 5 chapters are a number of sections that include many verses that can be used as prayers. For example, in the chapter about your child's faith, the author has a section on "praying for your child to promote God's kingdom." One verse she has listed is Romans 1:16. She has turned this verse into a prayer this way: "Lord, let _________ never be ashamed of the gospel, but let her recognize that it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes." Simple, yet profound.

Actually, I was challenged to be praying for Roland more specifically (and urgently) as he takes on this new role of pastor, so the other morning during my quiet time I sat down with my prayer journal and wrote out many verses, inserting his name when appropriate. (Lord, help Roland to preach the word and be prepared, both in season and out of season... IITimothy 4: 2-5) I'm excited to begin to pray for him in this way. Next on my list is to do the same for my kids!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Great book!

I just finished a book that has greatly challenged and convicted me. It's entitled The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit by Matthew Henry. (Though written by a Puritan author in the 1600s it is much more "readable" than a couple of the other Puritan books I've tried to tackle.) Before reading the book I would have been hard pressed to even give a good definition of the word "meek", but he spends 150 pages on the subject. He defines meekness as the "...quiet submission of the soul to the will of God concerning us." According to Henry, meekness teaches us to...
-patiently bear the anger of others
-to curb the tongue
-to give a soft answer
-prudently govern our own anger
-calm the spirit so that we will not be disturbed by any outward provocation

Wow! I fall so short. That's quite a high calling, yet Matthew 5 says "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Snow fort!

Roland and the kids built a snow fort a couple days ago. (I'm not sure who enjoyed it more-Roland or the kids.) The kids have enjoyed getting all bundled up and playing in it and adding to it. They say it's nice and warm inside...