Monday, March 28, 2011


Just five short days after we moved in, they arrived. Our first house guests. They came without invitation. They ate our food without permission. They neglected to clean up after themselves. They slept all day and got up just as we were going to bed. They scared our kids. They stubbornly refused to leave when we asked them. In fact, instead of leaving, they brought their friends to visit as well....Mice. Filthy, disgusting little creatures. They leave a trail of poop wherever they've the utensil drawer, on the Tupperware and the cookie sheets. They've eaten the chips, the rice, the pasta....aah!

We killed four in less than 24 hours. It's all out war around here. 10 sticky pads and 12 mouse traps lie in wait in every nook and cranny. Pots, pans, and food are piled high in bins on the kitchen table and chairs....Looks like we'll be eating out for awhile. McDonald's anyone?