Friday, November 20, 2009

My dad

We would appreciate your prayers for my dad right now. He went in for a relatively "simple" hernia repair on Monday. There were complications with the surgery-uncontrolled bleeding, low blood pressure, a collapsed lung. He never made it out of the recovery room, but instead the surgeon did a second surgery to try and find out the cause of the bleeding. He has been sedated and on a ventilator and in the ICU since. They are supposed to extubate him next Tues. (They've postponed it several times.) Today they discovered that he's running a fever and has an infection-somewhere.
Please pray for his recovery, for my mom, and for our family as we try to care for both my mom and dad.


jhoch said...

Thank you for the update. We will continue to pray for all of you.

lisa d said...

Hey lanae,
elaine c mentioned this to me on Friday and I have been praying often for him (and all of you) ever since.
I will keep on praying.