Friday, July 3, 2009

More to be thankful for...

We have so much to be thankful for. It's hard to know what to update-need to do it everyday...

The girls love reading their books and being read to
They aren't crying much when we put them to bed
They let us rock them before nap and nighttime
They are sleeping through the night and not wandering the halls at midnight :)
They are signing "More please" at the table when they want something
This morning they signed "more cereal please"
They sign "dirty", "duck", "ball", "bath", "cry", "toothbrush", "fish", "coins",
"clean", "bike", "milk", and others
There's less pointing and more smiling throughout the day


Kate said...

What a blessing! I'm smiling just thinking of them signing and 'talking' with you all more each day!

jhoch said...

So good to hear!

Brianne said...

praise God! :)

Sarah said...

just a note to say I am sharing a small piece of your joy as I watch your journey- love you guys!