Friday, May 29, 2009

The Watoto Children's Choir

We had the amazing privilege of having the Watoto Children's Choir at our church this past weekend. The choir is composed of orphaned children from Uganda, East Africa. It was a wonderful concert. It was very encouraging to hear about the work that is being done there to help children whose parents have died of AIDS. (To learn more go to
We then were able to host 2 children and one adult from the choir. They stayed two nights with us. Their caretaker, Uncle Steven, made us a traditional Ugandan meal of rice and beans. It was delicious. The boys were able to ride bikes around the neighborhood...a rare treat, we were told.
The experience has been very impactful for our has really touched them emotionally and opened their eyes in a very personal way to the plight of orphans around the world. (Cade is earnestly praying for an African brother...)

1 comment:

Dawn S. said...

Beautiful! Maybe Cade will get that brother after all! :) hee hee!