Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow, snow, snow!

We've had two feet of snow in the past 24 hours. Schools were closed today. Add a big "brother" to the mix and it's just a recipe for fun. The four kids have been outside building snow forts, having snow ball fights, wrestling in the snow and sledding down the incline in our backyard. It's great to watch---from the warmth of the family room window. The best part of it, though, is I didn't have to help put anyone's gloves on. ; )


Mindy Buller said...

My kids still can not seem to get their gear on by themselves!

Andrew, Arianna, Liam, and Asher said...

It's fun to see your kids having so much fun in the snow! We've been getting it out here too, but not quite as much :)