Saturday, November 1, 2008

Family of Ninjas

Roland and the kids decided to dress up as Ninjas and do a little trick or treating last night. A while ago, Roland found instructions on the internet for turning a black t-shirt into a Ninja mask, so what better day to try it out than Halloween!
(You'll notice Roland has some nunchucks in his hand. He made those in the garage a couple months ago because we all doubted his 'skills'. He just had to prove himself! Julien, our exchange student, summed it up well, with his strong German accent, "A pastor who break dances and does nunchucks?! 'Dis is very crazy!") haha.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Very funny! You have some pretty cute little ninja's! And of course a man should have to prove his "skills" once in a while :)