Sunday, June 15, 2008

A step of faith

Today, Roland and I took the first "official" step toward an international adoption. We filled out the registration packet and plunked down $200. I know it's a small amount in the big scheme of things (total cost: approx. $20,000), yet it felt like a big step of faith for me.

Our family has talked and prayed about adoption for several years. We looked into foster adopt and didn't feel like that was the route for us. After a fair amount of research and much prayer, we have decided to pursue adopting a toddler-aged child from the Philippines.

We'd appreciate your prayers as we begin this long, emotional, expensive, faith-stretching process!


Brett Lizzi Ethan Seth Josiah said...

Wow! That's really exciting. I will be praying for God's hand and guidance as you begin this exciting journey!

Andrew, Arianna, Liam, and Asher said...

We're excited! We'll definitely be praying!

Jennifer said...

very cool, Which agency?