The past week or so I've been meditating on 1 Peter 4:10-11:
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.
If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that
in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
As I've meditated on this passage I've been struck by God's wonderful plan and purpose in giving each of us different gifts. We know from Scripture that our giftedness is to serve and edify the body, but the ultimate result, as this passage says, is the glory and praise of God. When believers are faithfully using their unique gifts, the church sees the manifold wisdom and goodness and grace of God more clearly. This week that's been true for me. I've been led to praise God because others are using their gifts according to the measure of faith that has been given to them. Here are just a few examples...
-When I hear Joel teaching Claire's Bible School class with such energy and creativity every week, I praise God because Claire is learning that the Bible is not only filled with amazing truth but it is also anything but boring.
-When I hear Kelli's quick and sincere words of encouragement, I praise God for gifting her that way because people are blessed by her words. (Most of the time it would have taken me an hour to come up with something half as encouraging!)
-When I see Marilyn's gift of serving and hospitality I praise God because the gospel is being adorned.
-When I hear Roland preach I praise God because his teaching challenges me (and the church) to pursue holy living. (You didn't think I was gonna leave that one off, did you?)
It has made me think... If using my spiritual gifts results in praise to God,
what are the implications if I am NOT using my gifts?
That's a sobering thought.
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