Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dad is home!

My dad was able to come home from the hospital on Tuesday. We are so thankful for this answer to prayer! He didn't have to go to St. Luke's like was originally planned, so that's great too! He came home with oxygen and is quite weak, but he felt like he could get more rest at home than at the hospital. And the bonus is now the kids can visit him. 16 days of not being able to see grandpa in the hospital was hard on them.
Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

lisa d said...

HI good to see you on Fri--even from across the room! I have been praying for your dad and checking in on your blog periodically to see how he is doing. Glad to hear he is home and will continue to pray. Any chance we can bring a meal over some night and visit w/you? : )