Saturday, October 24, 2009

Conversation of the Week

We had an interesting conversation with Cade this week...

Cade: "Mom, I just wanna kiss someone..."

Mom: "I'll kiss you. Come on over, bud"

Cade: "No, I mean I wanna kiss someone long..."

Dad (overhearing the conversation): "Excuse me?! What did you just say?"

Cade: "I said I wanna kiss someone long, like on the movies..."

Dad: "Hmmm...that's sort of odd comin' from a 10 year old boy. Why do you wanna kiss someone?"

Cade(a little sheepishly): "Uh, I dunno, it's just looks....satisfying"

Dad (taking a deep breath): "Buddy, how many years you got til you get married?"

Cade: "Um, at least 10."

Dad" "Yeah, that's right. You got a long way to go, bud. Why don't you go put your jammies on."

Cade: "Ok." Heading up the stairs he looks back, "Mom, can you not tell all your church lady friends that I just said that?"

Mom: "Sure, hon."


jhoch said...

Thanks for the good laugh. Definitely a good one to share with the future wife :).

Brett Lizzi Ethan Seth Josiah said...

that is too funny!

paddy1mac said...

That is the funniest thing ever. Nope, won't tell the church ladies...just the world ;) Love it!