Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Junior Camp

We spent this past weekend at Riverview Bible Camp with the 3rd through 6th graders from church. Roland taught 4 times on the topic "The Transformed Life". It was a great weekend. We were all able to be there as a family-the 3 older kids in cabins with other campers and Roland and I and the twins in our own cabin.

Here's a few clips.

This one is of Claire being launched about 20 feet into the air.

And here's one of Roland being creative in order help the kids understand God's word more clearly.


Erica said...

Could you get Claire back on that thing? She is one tough girl!

Kailyn Renae said...

she was in pain after the impact, but got right back on the blob to be launched once again.

jhoch said...

Wow Claire! I'm impressed. You're one brave girl. Glad you've been able to enjoy some time with Roland's brother and family. We're remembering you in our prayers.