Monday, June 22, 2009


We met our new little girls today! It was better than we could have hoped for. They are beautiful. The kids blew bubbles with them right away. It was a great ice-breaker. Emily and Ashley would dip the wands into the bubbles hold the wand out for the big kids to blow on. This went on for at least 20 minutes. Before long Kailyn, Cade and Claire were holding their hands, walking around with them, even carrying them and feeding them. Ashley was trying to do Claire's hair-trying to put it in a pony tail.
We were told that the package that we sent them had not arrived, but it had! Praise God for small surprises. They had the teddy bears we sent them and the little family photo albums. We were told that they carry our picture around everywhere. They even had received the sign language DVDs that we sent. The other kids and the house parents were all signing "mom" and pointing to me and "dad" and pointing to Roland.
Praise God for so many answered prayers!
I will post pictures soon...


Kate said...

Praise God!

Dustin & Heidi Greenup said...

How sweetly precious!!! Our God is good and He is the giver of good gifts.

Andrew, Arianna, Liam, and Asher said...

So wonderful! Thanks for posting updates!

jhoch said...

Rejoicing with you! A day you'll surely never forget!!!!

The Keevy Family said...

What wonderful news! Thanks for sharing the journey!